Converting Fractions to Percentages through
Visual representation helps us understand how to convert fractions into percentages visually.
We had already discussed wholes & percentages previously. Click here for a quick go-through.
A factor of a number divides the number without leaving any remainder.
Factor pair of a number are two numbers multiplied together to get the same number.
for example,
2 & 5 are factor pair of 10.
There can be more than 1 factor pair for any number.
Remember: Prime numbers have only one factor pair.
It is a method where 100 acts as a multiplier to convert a fraction into a percentage.
Multiply the fraction by 100 and simplify.
Remember: When a fraction multiplies with 100, only the numerator is multiplied by 100.
The denominator stays the same.
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Converting Fractions to Percentages through
Visual representation helps us understand how to convert fractions into percentages visually.
We had already discussed wholes & percentages previously. Click here for a quick go-through.
A factor of a number divides the number without leaving any remainder.
Factor pair of a number are two numbers multiplied together to get the same number.
for example,
2 & 5 are factor pair of 10.
There can be more than 1 factor pair for any number.
Remember: Prime numbers have only one factor pair.
It is a method where 100 acts as a multiplier to convert a fraction into a percentage.
Multiply the fraction by 100 and simplify.
Remember: When a fraction multiplies with 100, only the numerator is multiplied by 100.
The denominator stays the same.
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