Comparing Unlike Fractions.
Ordering Unlike Fractions.
Unlike Fractions are fractions having different denominators.
To compare two or more fractions, we need to make them like fractions first.
For Example,
To compare these fractions, we need to write equivalent fractions with the same denominator.
We can easily compare now.
Click here to learn how to Convert Unlike Fractions into Like Fractions.
In order to arrange Unlike fractions, we need to follow the steps below.
Step #1: Convert unlike fractions into like fractions.
Step #2: Compare numerators.
Step #3: Arrange the numerators, keeping the same denominators.
Click through the slideshow to understand adding like fractions.
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A percentage is a number that is expressed as a part of 100.
Per means Out Of, & cent means 100.
Let’s discuss more.
5% means 5 out of 100.
12% means 12 out of 100.
A percentage can be represented by shading in a 100 square grid.
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