Converting Unlike Fractions to Like Fractions
Unlike fractions are fractions with different denominators.
We can’t add, subtract, or compare unlike fractions.
To perform any operations, we need to convert them into like fractions.
Follow the slideshow to understand how to convert unlike fractions into like fractions.
Cross multiplication method is a quick method to convert unlike fractions into like fractions.
LCM is the Lowest Common Multiple Method we’ve already discussed.
We use the LCM method to convert Unlike Fractions into Like Fractions.
For Example,
To convert 7/3 & 4/5 into like fractions, follow the steps below to work it out.
Step #1: Write the multiples of the denominators.
Step #2: Smallest common multiple is the LCM.
Step #3: Write equivalent fractions of the given fractions, keeping the denominator=LCM.
Finally we have our Like Fraction.
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A percentage is a number that is expressed as a part of 100.
Per means Out Of, & cent means 100.
Let’s discuss more.
5% means 5 out of 100.
12% means 12 out of 100.
A percentage can be represented by shading in a 100 square grid.