Fractions represent parts of a whole.
Fractions are two numbers, one written on top of the other, divided by a horizontal line.
The image below shows a watermelon divided into 5 slices (parts of a watermelon are called slices, not pieces).
You take 1 slice out.
To represent (show) the same information using numbers, we use fractions.
The part you take is written at the top.
Total parts are written at the bottom.
Remember: Use a horizontal line between two numbers 🙂
A fraction represents parts of equal divisions. If you divide any object into unequal parts, we can’t write the fraction for it.
The top number is a numerator. It represents the number of parts we take or get.
The bottom number is a denominator. It represents the total number of parts.
We can use Down = Denominator just to remember.
Learning the spelling is tricky but if you try like this
A numerator shows what you get.
A denominator shows the total number.
Read the question and answer it.
If your answer is correct, you are a genius!
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Share it with your friend and challenge them!
Practice Quiz(download meandmath practice app)
Fractions represent parts of a whole.
Fractions are two numbers, one written on top of the other, divided by a horizontal line.
The image below shows a watermelon divided into 5 slices (parts of a watermelon are called slices, not pieces).
You take 1 slice out.
To represent (show) the same information using numbers, we use fractions.
The part you take is written at the top.
Total parts are written at the bottom.
Remember: Use a horizontal line between two numbers 🙂
A fraction represents parts of equal divisions. If you divide any object into unequal parts, we can’t write the fraction for it.
The top number is a numerator. It represents the number of parts we take or get.
The bottom number is a denominator. It represents the total number of parts.
We can use Down = Denominator just to remember.
Learning the spelling is tricky but if you try like this
A numerator shows what you get.
A denominator shows the total number.
Read the question and answer it.
If your answer is correct, you are a genius!
Share it with your friend and challenge them!
Share it with your friend and challenge them!
Practice Quiz(download meandmath practice app)